Each of the Talking Nano discs is mastered with a convenient scene menu, so you can chose either to select particular scenes or to “Play All” as one continuous program.
Wilson Center Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies director David Rejeski reviews nano consumer products, health and safety oversight mechanisms, and public opinion research. 30 min.
1. Opening
2. Quick Nanotech Overview
3. Investment in Nanotech
4. Promising Future Applications
5. Current Reality - Consumer Products
6. Hotspots of Nano Research
7. NGO “Watchdog” Activity
8. Press Coverage
9. Nano Toxicology Issues
10. Oversight Systems are Weak
11. Assessing Public Awareness
12. Perceptions of Risks and Benefits
13. Gender Effects
14. Informed Public is Skeptical
15. Trust in Government and Industry
16. Cultural Cognition Study
17. What the Public Wants
18. Waiting for that Killer App
19. Public Discourse
20. Nano and Food
21. Negotiating the Social Contract
22. Future Directions
23. End Credits