Each of the Talking Nano discs is mastered with a convenient scene menu, so you can chose either to select particular scenes or to “Play All” as one continuous program.
Harvard chemist George Whitesides defines nanotechnology and shares personal, historical, scientific, and societal perspectives on future nanotech applications and their potential impacts. 55 min.
1. Major Science and Technology Themes
2. Motivations
3. Dimensions of Small
4. Small Devices - Range of Sizes
5. Why Nano?
6. Six Big Ideas - Intro
6.1 Quantum Phenomena and the Nature of Reality
6.2 Single Atoms and Molecules
6.3 The Cell, Biology, and Biomedicine
Interjection: Is Nano Revolutionary?
6.4 Information
6.5 New Materials
6.6 Energy and Other Applications
7. Science, Technology and Society
8. Benefits of Nanotechnology
9. Potential Problems
8. Summary
10. End Credits