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To view a brief clip from each disc, select a link labeled “Excerpt” from the list below.

Disc 1:

A Brief Intro to Nano

Excerpt: Nano: the Prefix | 01:23
Disc 2:

Don Eigler and his Dog Argon: Moving Atoms

Excerpt: Opening Excerpts | 01:49
Disc 3:

Guiding Light with Nanowires

Excerpt: Scaling Down: Micro to Nano | 02:18
Disc 4:

Nanotechnology and the Consumer

Excerpt: Oversight Systems are Weak | 02:28
Disc 5:

George Whitesides: Perspectives on Nanotechnology

Excerpt: Dimensions of Small | 02:38
Disc 6:

The Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show

Excerpt: Everything is Made of Atoms | 03:13
Promo: Come See the Amazing Nano Brothers | :33